Company Profile 公司簡介



Pa Sen To Design Studio, the Chinese name of the studio is a transliteration of "percentage" in Japanese. It is a new brand launched in 2023 by ENARCH DESIGN STUDIO, founded in 2003.

A group of interior stylists from different fields who are afraid of suffering from boreout and think out of the box. Aim at all kinds of residential, commercial space, and stage design, we adopt varying proportions, mix and match to bring unique aesthetic viewpoints and flip the stereotypical conception of interior design. And melt in sincere concern for the surroundings, to build the friendly space for LGBTQ, pets and body-mind-spirit.

Design Concept 設計理念



The world is originally composed of essentials in varying proportions, just as there are thousands of human gestures, each with its own wonderful life dimension.

We value the uniqueness and brilliance of individuals, by grasping the proprietor's life trajectory and inner needs, make full use of diversified building materials and design features, do away with conventional patterns and bring outstanding accomplishments to enrich the mind.

Design Team 設計團隊
Award 得獎紀錄
  • 2024 美國 MUSE Design Awards 輕漫憶光 | Gold Winner
  • 2024 德國 iF Design Award 輕漫憶光 | Winner